Here's My Tribute:
Note: I'm feeling quite random right now so bear with me
- I'm sorry you're not as flyy as me
- I'm sorry you can't see the beauty in a plus sized woman
- I'm sorry it's 2008 and you still won't date a brown skinned woman
- I'm sorry you still think putting crack creme (relaxers) in your hair is cool
- I'm sorry you got so desperate to win that you chose a gun slangin', inexperienced, woman you only met once to run beside you
- I'm sorry you're 23 years older than Alaska
- I'm sorry you're gonna loose
- I'm sorry you're not a Clark Atlanta University student
- I'm sorry you think rounded circles in stepping is fine
- I'm sorry you can't step as hard as me
- I'm sorry you can't grill
- I'm sorry you don't even know what a grill is
- I'm sorry you think you've had real BBQ
- I'm sorry you don't realize Kansas City has the best BBQ
- I'm sorry you don't know how to get hyphy, go dumb, or get stupid
- I'm sorry you don't agree that "Thizz is what it is"
- I'm sorry you still use a PC
- I'm sorry your computer still gets viruses
- I'm sorry you can't get down with reggae
- I'm sorry you think SouljaBoy is hip hop
- I'm sorry you don't realize that I.Am.HipHop
- I'm sorry you don't have a Nintendo Wii
- I'm sorry you can't play Super Mario World or Super Mario 2 & 3
(Take A Breath...)

- I'm sorry your cell phone services aren't free
- I'm sorry my cell phone has never been cut off
- I'm sorry you don't know how to boil down chicken backs, throw in diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, mixed vegetables, and throw them in a pot with 2packs of Ramen Noodles to make a meal when you're broke
- I'm sorry your DVD collection isn't as extensive as mine
- I'm sorry you rely on MySpace to get dates
- I'm sorry I denied your friend request
- I'm sorry the only people who even know your record label exists are those you bombard on MySpace to add you as a friend
- I'm sorry no one wants to buy your shitty song for .99 cents
- I'm sorry there are still internet thugs
- I'm sorry internet groupies even exist

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