1. Open toilets freak me out....Ajar doors/drawers bug me...the world needs order and organization!!!
2. I'm in love with houndstooth (is that one word), that's the best pattern known to woman!!!
3. I always wanted to do a pageant but didn't have the balls so I crowned myself Miss Show Me State and have the sash to prove it bitches!
4. I think deaf people have no business talking. You've never heard words so dammit don't try to talk and think I won't giggle.
5. I've had an unnatural love for yellow smiley faces since I was in the 5th grade.
6. I think women with natural hair have a certain glow about them other women just don't have.
7. I like my pasta extra juicy!!!!
8. I haven't been a cheerleader, stretched, danced or done anything athletic since I was 19 but I can still drop it into the splits! Heyyyy booo!!!!
9. I initially wanted to become a writer because a reporter at The Call Newspaper misquoted me when I was in the 3rd grade....I'm on a never ending mission to prove that jerk wrong! Early success DOES mean a career in writing.
10. The only accidents I have ever been in involved objects that could not move....yea, i'm the idiot that hits parked cars, poles, and flower pots.
11. Sometimes when nobody's looking and I have on noisy shoes, I break into steps from college...PHI-HI-PSI-EEEEE
12. I'm completely addicted to scripted reality TV & I talk about the cast members as if I know them from "round the way"
13. I have a MAC and I think people who still use PCs are LOOSERS!!!
14. I think women who wear leggings as PANTS look a damn hot ass mess. If you can't afford skin tight pants then don't pick up a pair of cheap ass $7.99 Lycra leggings! Leggings are leggings and Pants are pants...learn the difference before you walk out the house.
15. I feel people with European hair have no business getting dreadlocks. It looks a mess. Spend the extra $300-$500 and get dreadlock extensions.
16. Besides my homie Crystal & Goldie, my inner circle of friends have been down for AT LEAST 8yrs....with most (like Miss Brittany!) dating back to elementary school.
17. I only date men with skinny ankles.
18. I love my body just the way it is: stretch marks.....tummy.....and big ol head!!
19. I only have one regret in life and it has taught me what it means to be a BFF. R.I.P Demarco Harvey
20. I hardly ever wear heels because narrow shoes are to hard to find. I have a shoe fetish and wish to GOD a designer like Steve Madden would make sum shoes in something other than in a B...I'm tired of AA being ignored!!!!
21. If I can help it, nothing but Victoria's Secret will ever come close to my va-jay-jay or tah tah's!!!!
22. I don't remember what life was like before a touch screen phone.....how do you navigate?....u mean u have to push buttons and the screen doesn't change to landscape? People still pay for ringtones and applications? Wow.
23. My dog has 3 names....Faith Nicole Taylor
24. My friends are much closer to me than my family. My friends are my family.
25. Clark Atlanta University has managed to screw me out of my scholarship for 3yrs (and running), but I still think it's the best school in the world and your school is crap!!! And yes...I'm still waiting on the MARTA which specializes in Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta....I do think cafeterias should have DJs....I think your school is wack because BET never visits....I do still remember when Shange's Mic was cut off during homecoming....I remember being cheap and watching homecoming concerts in Bumstead Cafe' (KANYE DIDN'T KEEP ME WAITING!!!)....I only attend football games til halftime...I was a member of the extra crunk group of females ready to fight Morehouse along with Brawley at the football game....I still think my OG is the best.....I still feel you should dress to impress to go to class....and finally, I do know that Morehouse Men secretly love a down to earth CAU Woman!
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