Monday, February 16, 2009


He's like water.

He drifted into my life and I allowed his strong current to wrap me up in a whirlwind love affair. I ended up with a serious case of love jones, and well he....was nourishing to my soul.

He caused my juices to flow then rehydrated me over and over and over again.

He washed away the residue left from being hurt by other men. His gentle tide and peaceful sounds as he crashed against the shore put my mind at ease.

One day I went to his banks to find refreshment and he was gone. The space he once occupied had turned to dry desert land.

I did my rain dance hoping he'd return. Return he did. With a furry.

Before I knew it, his waters became turbulent. He dumped the underbelly of his sea onto me and had me wondering how something so naturally pleasant and cleansing to the soul could leave everything in ruins.

Just as quickly as the storm began, it ended. The waters became calm and I was left hurt and angry.

I stood at his banks and yelled and cursed. When he didn't respond I filed a complaint with Neptune, the God of the Sea.

I returned home exhausted.

Just as I had begun teaching myself to go without, he comes back. His familiar gentle rolling seas are ready to embrace me. His salt water has turned fresh. His hues of blue are deeper.

I drank from him once again. As his nourishing liquids entered my body I sensed a change. His spirit wasn't as wild. His intentions weren't as selfish. His focus was completely on refreshing me.

I took a chance and plunged into him. I swam out far then floated on my back, eyes fixated into the sky. I finally let go of the control and trusted his current to guide me.

He is strong yet gentle
He is peaceful but forceful
He is nourishing to my soul

He is like water.

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